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Weekly newsletter- week ending Friday 14th September 2018.

It is a cliché but “every day is a learning day” and I certainly appreciated this comment following my learning walks this week.  I observed lessons that were both engaging and challenging but equally important, I saw students in every year group “having a go” and participating in the subject area.  Our new staff are settling in well and are already having a positive impact on the quality of teaching and learning in their lessons.


Alongside this atmosphere of learning, we are continuing to build our extra-curricular provision through our Peacock Pride rewards and values system so students should look out for flyers in the tutor trays next week.  On offer are both lunch and afterschool opportunities from Film Club to Fitness Suite and from Preforming Arts to Power Walking as well as the many sporting clubs and fixtures already in the diary.  Please encourage your child to join one of the 37 options currently available!  STOP PRESS – any unwanted Chess/Dominos sets would be gratefully received.  There are also a number of additional trips in the process of being agreed to expand the wider experiences for our students.